Call for Papers

Important Dates

We invite submissions (full papers and extended abstracts) for the fourth European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF'25)!

EWAF aims to foster dialogue between researchers working on algorithmic fairness in the context of Europe’s legal and societal framework, especially in light of the European Union’s attempts to promote ethical AI and the turn to AI for the common good. 

EWAF welcomes submissions from multiple disciplines, including but not limited to computer science, law, philosophy, and social science, as well as interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary work.

One of the primary goals of EWAF is to build a community and we encourage all participants to actively partake, e.g. by submitting an extended abstract of ongoing or recently published work. If you are planning to join us in Eindhoven, we strongly encourage you to make a submission!

Areas of interest

We welcome submissions from the following areas:

We also explicitly welcome submissions of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary work, sourcing from multiple disciplinary areas and/or highlighting joint insight-building with relevant non-academic stakeholders.

A non-exhaustive list of themes includes:

We also welcome submissions without a focus on European specificity or tackling other themes related to algorithmic fairness. 

Evaluation criteria

Papers will be judged based on scholarly criteria in their subject area, including

We will have reviewers from different disciplines who bring the expertise to evaluate work from all the areas we solicit from.

Submission format

Authors can choose between submitting a full paper or an extended abstract. At least one author of each accepted submission is expected to be present at EWAF’25 to present their work. Additionally, we expect authors to be available to review other submissions in their area (light load).

Full paper (long)

This option is suitable for contributions covering novel work. You will receive formal peer reviews for your paper and, if accepted, a chance to present your work at the workshop as well as a (citable) full paper in the conference proceedings.

Extended abstract (short)

This type of submission is flexible and suitable for a range of submissions, including but not limited to ongoing/early-stage work, work under review elsewhere, already published work, case studies from industry, and open challenges in research or practice. You will receive succint peer reviews for your paper, and, if accepted, a chance to present your work at the workshop.

Archival and non-archival

Authors of can choose between archival and non-archival submissions:

Formatting instructions

The workshop proceedings will be published online as a volume in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR). Papers must be submitted as a PDF file on OpenReview, formatted according to the EWAF'25 template. Templates are available below for Word, LaTeX, and Overleaf users.

Presentation of Accepted Work

Regular presentation

The authors of each accepted paper can choose to present their work in a lightning round and/or poster session. Regular presentations are aimed at getting a sense of the work happening within our community and encouraging participants to make new connections.

In-depth presentation

A set of papers will be selected for an in-depth presentation (20 minutes + room for questions). Both short and long submissions will be considered for the in-depth track based on fulfilling the overall goals of the conference. The quality of the paper is certainly a factor, but selection for the in-depth track results from a plurality of considerations, including achieving a balance between the representation of diverse views and disciplinary perspectives and fostering interdisciplinary dialogue.


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