Call for Interactive Sessions
Important dates
Submission deadline: Thursday, March 27, 2025 (23:59, Anywhere on Earth)
Acceptance notifications: Monday, April 28, 2025
We invite proposals for interactive sessions for the fourth European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF'25).
EWAF is dedicated to shaping discussions on fairness in artificial intelligence, focusing on the unique challenges and opportunities within the European context.
Recognizing the crucial role of diverse perspectives in these discussions, we seek contributions that extend beyond the academic discourse, involving voices from industry, civil society, government, NGOs, journalists, artists and other non-academic sectors.
Areas of interest
This call invites contributions in the form of workshops, panels, unconferences, moderated dialogues, discussion groups, fish bowls, artistic interventions or other interactive formats, to:
Address gaps between theory and practice, research and policy, and multiple disciplines/fields tackling ethical AI;
Position European institutions, both research and governmental, and their impact on ethical AI;
Foster conversations between the different stakeholders involved in ethical AI, promoting interdisciplinary and cross-practice discussions;
Provide space for discussion and reflection within the algorithmic fairness research community.
Proposals should align with EWAF’s goals of growing a diverse community and fostering robust discussions on ethical AI within the European context.
Suggested themes include, but are not limited to:
Interdisciplinary approaches in algorithmic fairness research and practice;
Regulation of AI in Europe (including AI standard-setting);
Data privacy;
Discrimination in the European context;
AI's impact on public services;
Influence of AI on European labor markets;
Influence of AI on European democracies;
Best practices in fostering collaboration and engagement with people directly impacted by AI systems in Europe;
Community-led approaches/co-creation/co-design in the context of the design, deployment, and design of AI;
Impact of AI on vulnerable people and people on the move;
Interrogating emerging best practices in algorithmic fairness;
Real-world experiences and best practices implementing fairness interventions in industry or the public sector;
Supporting accountability in the European (legal) context (e.g. collective data access requests, etc.)
We particularly value contributions that demonstrate practical applications and real-world case studies.
Submission requirements
You can submit a proposal using this form. In preparation of your proposal, please note the following information is required:
Title of your proposed session
Organizers: please list the name, job title, affiliation, country, and contact information of all organizers. Please indicate which of the organizers will act as (1) session coordinator (i.e. primary point of contact), and (2) (expected) presenter/facilitator of the session (can be the same person).
Format: indicate the format of your session (e.g. interactive workshop, panel, unconference, artist exhibit, etc.). Please briefly motivate the choice of format and explain how the format facilitates interactivity.
Description: describe the theme, central questions, and structure of your proposed session. What problem/critique do you plan to address? What are the main goals of your session? Make sure to explain how the session contributes to the goals of the conference.
(Tentative) list of (invited) presenters or facilitators: If applicable, please indicate name(s) of invited speakers or facilitators who are not part of the organizing team, including job title and affiliation. Please indicate whether invited speakers/facilitators have already (tentatively) committed to participate in your proposed session.
Length: please indicate the planned length of the session. The default session lengths are 90 minutes (regular) and 40 minutes (short).
Target audience: who is the target audience of your session (e.g. in terms of discipline, career stage, etc.)? How many participants can your session (ideally) accommodate?
Special logistical requests: e.g. poster stands, audio equipment, etc.
We note that the organizers of EWAF’25 are committed to working along with the accepted proposals if needed or if requested by the proposal coordinator.
Evaluation criteria
Interactive session proposals will be evaluated by the General Chairs and Program Chairs in conjunction with the Interactive Session Chair. We are interested in all sessions that will enrich EWAF’s program with critical and diverse perspectives and that will contribute to interdisciplinary discussions. The selection is government by both quality and the need for a balanced and diverse program.
The proposals will be evaluated based on:
Relevance to the workshop goals and themes (see above);
Quality and clarity of the proposal, particularly in terms of theme, format, and planning;
Originality of the theme and format, particularly with regard to featuring voices and views typically underrepresented in the scientific program;
Potential for impact: potential to influence academic discourse, public discourse, policy, or real-world systems;
Diversity of the organizing team (broadly construed).
For questions, please contact